On Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 the New England College circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (O∆K) inducted 22 new members as well as a new President, Hannah Nelson ’20, and Vice President, Ryder Close ’21, for the following academic year.
In order to be inducted to O∆K, one must possess a variety of character traits that fall into the five major aspects of the O∆K philosophy and college life.
- Scholarship
- Athletics
- Campus or Community Service, Social and Religious Activities, and Campus Government,
- Journalism, Speech, and Mass Media
- Creative and Performing Arts
In addition, students must fall in the top 35% of their class as well as be in their junior or senior year. The O∆K circle at NEC is the only circle currently in New Hampshire and has inducted over 100 members into its society since it was established on April 16th, 2016.
Inductees receive an honorary O∆K pin, a certificate of achievement, and a cord to wear for commencement. The pins displays the ‘Laurel Crowned Circle’ which recognizes past achievement as well a constant inspiration for unselfish service to the Society, to New England College, and a “life-long reminder that if greatness is to be achieved, one must serve.”
Please congratulate the following students on this outstanding achievement:
- Jacob Blanchette
- Arianna Cagan
- Kyle Clements
- Ryder Close, Vice President 19′-20‘
- Yesenia Dominguez
- Kailey Frederick
- Panogiotis Galatas
- Priscilla Jones
- Chris Morse
- Alexis Ramsey
- Emily Remillard
- Rira Sakurai
- Ayanna Santiago
- Catherine Seaver
- Shania Shehata
- Megan Sherman
- Meaghan Six
- Christoffer Sjoo
- Alexandra Stant
- Megan Stewart
- Colin Szuch
- Olivia Wright