Sports Facilities Flood at New England College


New England College’s Fitness Center, Bridge’s Gymnasium, and the Lee Clement Ice Rink was temporarily closed on January 26th due to weather-related flooding, according to NEC officials.

A mass email was sent to the NEC community announcing a ‘plumbing issue’ and apologizing for the inconvenience. The problem began the night prior and led to multiple inches of water throughout these facilities, with an impact on many sports teams and practice times, according to student-athletes.

“We had a little bit of a backup in one of the drains. Our whole facilities staff was amazing and stayed up all night to clean and take care of the problem. We will stay vigilant and hope there are no further complications,” said Athletic Director Dave DeCew.

This problem could ultimately have happened to any of the buildings on campus. The weather was an underlying factor, as there was a mass amount of snow in a two-day period. Facilities were cleaned and opened to the greater community with no noticeable damage.

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