Student Hit by Motor Vehicle


A student was hit by a motor vehicle on Monday, November 6th on Route 114. Campus Safety was called at 4:38 p.m to respond. Scott Lane, the head of Campus Safety, said the accident happened just outside of Gilmore Dining hall at the crosswalk.

Lane states that a vehicle stopped to let a pedestrian (the student) cross the street. The stopped vehicle was then hit from behind. This accident caused the vehicle to move forward and hit the student on the cross walk.

When asked about the condition of the student and drivers Lane stated that the student went to the hospital, but was released later. It was also his understanding the drivers of the vehicles were not seriously hurt.

Lane urges students to be safe when crossing Route 114.

“This incident is a good reminder for everyone to be cautious on Route 114. Use crosswalks. Look both ways. We are fortunate that no one was seriously injured.”

Lane also reported that there have been complaints from the town regarding unsafe behavior on Route 114 such as jaywalking or walking out into traffic. Lane strongly urges against this behavior.

The crash is still being investigated by the Henniker Police Department.  

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Hey everybody! I’m Desiree LaPointe and I’m the assistant editor in chief of the newspaper! I commute to our beautiful campus and this is my third year here! I’m a communications major, but also adore English and creative arts. I’m a native New Hampshirite and have been in this state pretty much my whole life My hobbies include reading, writing, and playing video games! . Alice in Wonderland is my favorite book, so much so that I have some killer tattoos of it. I’m hard into collectibles and collect just about anything I can get my hands on. I work part time in Manchester, whenever I’m not on campus. I’m pretty easy to spot. Just look for the short girl with the bright purple hair! I don’t bite, I swear!
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