How to register for Spring 2025 classes


It is that time of year to register for your next semester classes and that is not always the easiest thing to do. Upper classmen have had the opportunity to go through this process before, but when it comes to registration day on Oct. 30, not every first-year student knows how to do this.

To register for classes there are a few steps you must go through, according to the staff in The S.H.I.P. You should first meet with your faculty advisor to look at what classes you might want to take and the ones you need to take. The most important part of this process is making sure you have the right CRN numbers for your class choices.

A CRN number matches the class you want, so you get the right time, day, and professor choice. If you are confused on how to do this, you can go to the S.H.I.P. on the first floor of Simon and meet with the professional advising staff, Kayla Mambro, Meredith Sullivan, or Liz Brennan and they can look things over for you and answer any questions you have about registering for classes.

“Prior to meeting with your faculty advisor, it’s always important to review Degree Works and the current schedule to see if there are any classes that are of interest to you, so you are a bit more prepared before meeting with your faculty advisor,” Sullivan said.

It is also always good to make sure you are eligible to register for classes before it is too late. “The other important piece is making sure you don’t have any holds on your account, and you can check that through the navigate app as well as MYNEC, so you don’t have any wellness or financial holds that prevent you from registering,” Mambro said.

When it comes to registration day there are a couple of ways to do it. You can log into your MYNEC and click on the registration tab, select the proper term, then you select the tab to add/drop classes, and then the boxes will pop up for you to put in your CRN numbers for your classes. You can also go into the Simon Great Room on registration day and go to your faculty advising table and put your CRN numbers into a sheet there. 

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