Multiple Accidents at Four-way Intersection in Henniker 


An intersection in the center of Henniker receives a lot of attention due to a high number of accidents. In the past month, there have been two car accidents.

While the individuals did not acquire any lifesaving matters, local townspeople and town employees have concerns about safety. 

Lester Nickerson, a crossing guard for Henniker, has been working at the intersection for years.

“A lot of people don’t pay attention to me [crossing guard] or the driving etiquette that the curriculum in driver’s ed teaches. Lights would be a good fix, like the one’s in Hillsboro, but that has been an ongoing discussion for years,” Nickerson said. 

Henniker Police Sergeant Matthew Mitchell said the intersection has been problematic for years.

“The traffic has grown in this small town. The college came after its development. Mainly all accidents occur from a driver’s inattention. Just pay attention and look both ways. Left, then right, then left again, and vice versa. People tend to move fast through that area,” Mitchell said.

Local town resident, and county dispatcher, Lauren Hobson said she has received many calls for service to the area.

“We receive calls for people speeding or not paying attention, kids walking to and from school, and people within the town hating the lack of safety behind the intersection. People drive recklessly through that area. Henniker PD and local officials are doing what they can to provide safety measures,” Hobson said. 

Journalists of The NewEnglander have covered two crashes in the last month. 

Check out the link below.

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