Are you tired of watching the same movies and listening to the same music while social distancing? Podcasts are a great mix between those two entertainment mediums while still giving you a different experience.
If you enjoy true crime shows or crime thrillers, Crime Junkie podcast is for you. There is a wide range of crimes that these two ladies cover in their podcasts. From serial killers to missing persons and conspiracy theories, you are sure to be captivated by each story.
These ladies do an excellent job of describing the scene of the crimes and elaborating on the backstories in vivid detail. With that being said, these podcasts do talk about violent crimes that may make your skin crawl.
While most of the episodes cover crimes that take place in the United States, a few of the crimes covered take place internationally. Because each episode covers separate crimes, there is no need to listen in any specific order. They also range in length, from about thirty minutes to an hour which gives you the opportunity to choose an episode that fits into your schedule.
These podcasts are available on many different platforms, such as on the iPhone podcast app, Spotify, and on their website,
New episodes are released every Monday!